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I was born in Kandalaksha, Murmansk region, in 1970, and graduated from music school in my native town, having studied guitar and piano.

From 1985 I continued my education in the Kalinin (Tver) music college. Along with studying, I performed as a member of the "Nedelka" music group , and was a prizewinner at the 2nd All-Union Festival of Folk Arts (Moscow, 1987).

After leaving music college in 1989, I entered the Petrozavodsk branch of the St.Petersburg State Conservatory of Music to study guitar under the guidance of Professor A.I.Denisenko, where along with studying I played the double-bass balalaika in various musical groups, as well as working in the folk instruments orchestra "ONEGO" in the Karelian State Philarmonic Society.

In 1993 I completed an apprenticeship at the Vyshnevolotsky factory of musical instruments, and worked as a piano and grand piano tuner at the musical school in Petrozavodsk.  

Since 1998 I have worked as a guitar teacher in the music school in Kandalaksha and as a soloist in the group "NORD"-QUARTET, as a member of which I was a diploma winner and a prizewinner in the following  festivals and competitions:

The regional North-West competition of the Russian folk instrument performers:              VIII (1999), IX (2001), XII (2005), XIII (2006), XIV (2007).
1st All-Russian festival and music competition of the orchestras and groups of the national instruments of the peoples of Russia (Obninsk 2006)

2nd International competition-festival of the orchestras, groups and folk groups (Moscow 2007)
As a member of different music groups I went on tour to many cities in Russia and abroad :       

"NEDELKA":                      Russia  (1985 - 1989), Hungary  (1988)

"BARYNYA"-QUARTET:      Russia  (1990)

"PROMENAD"-Trio:           Russia  (1991 - 1994), Norway  (1995)

"FOLK-DUET":                  Germany  (1997)

"BALALAIKA":                  Sweden  (1999, -01)

"JAZZ a MOMENT":          Russia  (2006, -07)

"NORD"-QUARTET:           Russia  (1999, -00, -01, -02, -03, -04, -05, -06, -07, -08), 
                                       Finland (1999, -02), USA  (2003),  Norway  (2004), 
                                       Sweden  (1999, -00, 01, -02, -05).

"TREFOILS":                    Russia (2011, -12)

Besides teaching and taking part in concerts, since 1998 I have been working as a tuner of keyboard musical instruments (pianos and grand pianos). In June 2007 I passed advanced training under the supervision of the Candidate of Science (Engineering) V.G. Porvenkov (the author of numerous publications on the technology of piano and grand piano tuning and repairing, author of the new tuning method).
Since 2009 to the present day I have worked as a piano tuner and guitar teacher in the Schools of Arts of Kaliningrad.